Marmalade Boy is a Japanese anime series based on the manga by Wataru Yoshizumi. The series aired from March 13, 1994 to September 3, 1995 with a total of seventy-six episodes. On March 4, 1995, a short film was released and acts as a prequel to the anime.
The anime was first released in a total of seventeen VHS tapes and later released in Laser Disc. In 2003, the anime was released in three box sets. Finally in 2012, it was re-released for it's 20th anniversary. Tokyopop also published the anime in four box sets in North America.
The opening theme was "Egao ni Aitai" by Rie Hamada. It's ending theme songs were "Suteki na Serenade" by Miho Fujiwara, "Kareha Iro no Crescendo" by Yasuhiro Mizushima, and "Yoake no Etude" by Yoko Ichikawa. The insert song, "Moment" was sung by Mizuki Miyu.
Title card | Episode # | Title | Airdate |
1 | "There is Love, He's Handsome: But I Can't Forgive Them" (恋がしたい「カッコイイけど許せない!」) |
March 13, 1994 | |
2 | "Side Effects of a Kiss: He Doesn't Understand My Feelings" (キス後遺症「あいつの気持ちがワカラナイ」) |
March 20, 1994 | |
3 | "Two Kisses: Yuu Had a Girlfriend" (2つのキス「遊に恋人がいた!?」) |
March 27, 1994 | |
4 | "Ginta's Confession: I Won't Let You Have Her" (銀太の告白「おまえをあいつに渡さない!」) |
April 3, 1994 | |
5 | "Legendary Girlfriend: Making a Wish on a Medallion" (恋人の伝説「メダイユに想いをこめて」) |
April 10, 1994 | |
File:Title-6.jpg | 6 | "Love Game: I Really Hate Ginta" (ラブゲーム「銀太なんか大嫌い!」) |
April 17, 1994 |
File:Title-7.jpg | 7 | "Love in Hokkaido: What's Going on With That Couple" (恋の北海道「どうなってるの?あの二人!」) |
April 24, 1994 |
File:Title-8.jpg | 8 | "Fragrance of an Adult: I'm Not Jealous" (大人の香り「やきもちなんてやいてない!」) |
May 1, 1994 |
File:Title-9.jpg | 9 | "Part Time Job: The War of Love Depends on Sales" (アルバイト「恋の勝負は売り上げ次第!」) |
May 8, 1994 |
File:Title-10.jpg | 10 | "Our First Night: Surprise in the Bathroom" (初めての夜「お風呂でドキッ(ハートマーク)」) |
May 15, 1994 |
File:Title-11.jpg | 11 | "Birthday: Yuu Is Watching Me!" (バースデイ「遊が私を見つめてる…」) |
May 22, 1994 |
File:Title-12.jpg | 12 | "Smash: I Love Both Yuu and Ginta" (スマッシュ!「遊と銀太どっちも好き…」) |
May 29, 1994 |
File:Title-13.jpg | 13 | "Love and Friendship: Ginta, Please Date Arimi" (恋と友情「銀太、亜梨実さんとつきあって!」) |
June 5, 1994 |
File:Title-14.jpg | 14 | "Qualification of Love: You Don't Deserve Yuu" (恋する資格「あなたは遊にふさわしくない!」) |
June 12, 1994 |
File:Title-15.jpg | 15 | "Meiko's Secret: I Want to Know About Your Feelings" (茗子の秘密「話してほしかった…」) |
June 19, 1994 |
File:Title-16.jpg | 16 | "A Man's Decision: Na-Chan, Please Don't Quit" (男の決断「なっちゃん、辞めないで!」) |
June 26, 1994 |
File:Title-17.jpg | 17 | "Meiko's Separation: I Can't Say Goodbye" (茗子の別れ「さよならなんてできない!」) |
July 3, 1994 |
File:Title-18.jpg | 18 | "The Direction of Yuu's Love: Things Aren't Going as Planned" (恋のゆくえ「思い通りにならないね」) |
July 10, 1994 |
File:Title-19.jpg | 19 | "Disturbed by the Family Register: Don’t' Say It's Ridiculous" (入籍騒動「非常識なんて言わないで!」) |
July 17, 1994 |
File:Title-20.jpg | 20 | "Doubtful Twosome: Yuu and Miwa are a Couple" (怪しい二人「遊と三輪さんがカップルゥ?!」) |
July 24, 1994 |
File:Title-21.jpg | 21 | "Trip to Karuizawa: Just as I Thought - Strange" (軽井沢旅行「やっぱり……変!」) |
July 31, 1994 |
File:Title-22.jpg | 22 | "Double Date: We Like Each Other, but Don't Understand Each Other" (Wデート!「好きなのにわかりあえない」) |
August 7, 1994 |
File:Title-23.jpg | 23 | "Impact of a Confession: Yuu What Are You Talking About" (衝撃の告白「遊、何を言ってるの?」) |
August 14, 1994 |
File:Title-24.jpg | 24 | "The Secret of Yuu's Birth: I Can't Leave Yuu Alone" (出生の秘密「遊をほっとけないの!」) |
August 21, 1994 |
File:Title-25.jpg | 25 | "Real Kiss: I Love You, Yuu" (リアルキス「あたし、遊が好き!」) |
August 28, 1994 |
File:Title-26.jpg | 26 | "New Anxiety: I'm Too Afraid to Be Happy" (新たな不安「幸せすぎて…怖い」) |
September 4, 1994 |
File:Title-27.jpg | 27 | "Love Worries: How Long Will This Happiness Last" (恋の不安「この幸せはいつまで続くの?」) |
September 11, 1994 |
File:Title-28.jpg | 28 | "Unstable Feelings: I'm Going to Get a Part Time Job" (ゆれる心「あたしもバイトするっ!!」) |
September 18, 1994 |
File:Title-29.jpg | 29 | "Obstacle of Love: I Can't Find the Medallion" (恋の邪魔者「メダイユがみつからない!」) |
September 25, 1994 |
File:Title-30.jpg | 30 | "Rival : I Love You, Yuu" (ライバル「ゆー、大好きよ」) |
October 2, 1994 |
File:Title-31.jpg | 31 | "Suzu and Kei: These Two Make Me Nervous" (すずと蛍「不安にさせるこの二人…」) |
October 9, 1994 |
File:Title-32.jpg | 32 | "Love at the School Festival: Yuu and Kei's Concert" (恋の学園祭「遊と蛍のコンサート」) |
October 16, 1994 |
File:Title-33.jpg | 33 | "Lost Love: I Love You" (恋の迷い道「好きだ!」) |
October 23, 1994 |
File:Title-34.jpg | 34 | "Breakup Premonition: The Halloween Conspiracy" (別れの予感「ハロウインパーティーのたくらみ」) |
October 30, 1994 |
File:Title-35.jpg | 35 | "Crossing Each Other's Path: You Mean We Are Going to Break Up" (すれちがい「別れようってことなの?」) |
November 13, 1994 |
File:Title-36.jpg | 36 | "I'm Alone: I'll Make You Forget Him" (一人ぼっち「俺が忘れさせてやる!!」) |
November 20, 1994 |
File:Title-37.jpg | 37 | "Tearful Reunion: I Thought It was Over Between Us" (悲しい再会「吹っきれたと思ってたのに…」) |
November 27, 1994 |
File:Title-38.jpg | 38 | "Anju's Feelings: I Want to Be Next in Line to Miki" (杏樹の想い「光希さんの次でいいの!」) |
December 4, 1994 |
File:Title-39.jpg | 39 | "A Bitter Love: I've Loved Yuu for a Long Time" (せつない恋「ずっと遊が好きだった…」) |
December 11, 1994 |
File:Title-40.jpg | 40 | "A Holy Night: I'm Alone on Christmas Eve" (聖なる夜「イヴなのに一人ぼっち…」) |
December 18, 1994 |
File:Title-41.jpg | 41 | "The Morning of Lovers: Merry Christmas" (恋人達の朝「メリークリスマス」) |
December 25, 1994 |
File:Title-42.jpg | 42 | "New Year's Eve Pattern of Love: It's Going to Be a Wonderful Year" (新春恋模様「サイコーの年になりそう」) |
January 8, 1995 |
File:Title-43.jpg | 43 | "Ski Trip: I Won't Let You Two Be Alone" (スキー旅行「二人っきりになんかさせない!」) |
January 15, 1995 |
File:Title-44.jpg | 44 | "Our Future: Yuu's Dream, My Dream" (二人の将来「遊の夢、私の夢は?」) |
January 22, 1995 |
File:Title-45.jpg | 45 | "Meiko's Turnabout: I'm Going to Hiroshima" (ゆれる茗子「私、広島に行く!」) |
January 29, 1995 |
File:Title-46.jpg | 46 | "To Hiroshima: Let Me Be by Your Side Again" (広島へ…「もう一度そばにいさせて!」) |
February 5, 1995 |
File:Title-47.jpg | 47 | "Couple on the beach: Because I Care About You" (海辺の二人「君の幸せを思うから…」) |
February 12, 1995 |
File:Title-48.jpg | 48 | "The Flavor of Chocolate: Sweet and Bitter Valentine" (チョコの味「甘くて苦いバレンタイン!」) |
February 19, 1995 |
File:Title-49.jpg | 49 | "The Shape of Love: It's Difficult to Be Happy" (愛のかたち「幸せになるってムズカシイ」) |
February 26, 1995 |
File:Title-50.jpg | 50 | "The Foreign Exchange Student Appears: Micheal Is…Strange" (留学生登場「マイケルって…変!」) |
March 5, 1995 |
File:Title-51.jpg | 51 | "Love Triangle: Someone's Messing Thing's Up…" (三角関係「ふりまわされて…」) |
March 12, 1995 |
File:Title-52.jpg | 52 | "Making a Decision Under the Moonlight: Yuu Don't Leave Me Alone!" (月夜の決心「遊、離れるなんて…イヤ!」) |
March 19, 1995 |
File:Title-53.jpg | 53 | "Making a Memory: I Won't Regret It if Anything Happens" (思い出作り「何が起こっても後悔しない」) |
March 26, 1995 |
File:Title-54.jpg | 54 | "New Life: Yuu I Wonder How You're Doing" (新生活「遊、今頃どうしてるかな?」) |
April 2, 1995 |
File:Title-55.jpg | 55 | "Ripples Again: New York Is Too Far Away" (波紋・再び「ニューヨークは遠すぎる!」) |
April 9, 1995 |
File:Title-56.jpg | 56 | "Lost Pathway to Love: My Boyfriend Is Yuu But…" (すれちがい「あたしの恋人は遊なのに…」) |
April 16, 1995 |
File:Title-57.jpg | 57 | "Passing Each Other: I'm So Lonely, I Can't Be Patient Anymore!" (恋の迷い道「もう耐えられない!寂(さみ)しいの…」) |
April 23, 1995 |
File:Title-58.jpg | 58 | "Tone of a Love Confession: I Want You to See Me as a Man" (告白の音色「ボクを男として見てほしい!」) |
April 30, 1995 |
File:Title-59.jpg | 59 | "An Uneasy Weekend: I Want to Hear Yuu's Voice" (不安な週末「遊の声が聞きたい!」) |
May 7, 1995 |
File:Title-60.jpg | 60 | "My Love Is Far Away: Yuu Is in Front of Me" (恋人は遠い「遊はあたしの目の前にいる」) |
May 14, 1995 |
File:Title-61.jpg | 61 | "New York Trap: Yuu, Was I Stupid?" (N.Y(ニューヨーク)の罠「遊、あたしが馬鹿だったの?」) |
May 21, 1995 |
File:Title-62.jpg | 62 | "Goodbye: I Can't Be Your Girlfriend Anymore" (さよなら「もう…彼女でいられない」) |
May 28, 1995 |
File:Title-63.jpg | 63 | "Holding Back the Tears: I Want to Be Alone" (涙を抱いて「今は一人でいたい」) |
June 4, 1995 |
File:Title-64.jpg | 64 | "A Pair's Problems: I Want to Hear Your Voice" (二人の問題「おまえの声が聞きたい」) |
June 11, 1995 |
File:Title-65.jpg | 65 | "Solid Decision : Miki…I'll Take Her" (かたい決意「光希は…おれがもらう」) |
June 18, 1995 |
File:Title-66.jpg | 66 | "New Choice: You Don't Have to Forget Him" (新たな選択「あいつを忘れなくてもいい」) |
June 25, 1995 |
File:Title-67.jpg | 67 | "Friends: I Need Kei!" (ともだち「あたしには蛍クンが必要なの!」) |
July 2, 1995 |
68 | "Indecisive Lovers: Goodbye Ginta" (揺れる恋人「サヨナラ…銀太」) |
July 9, 1995 | |
File:Title-69.jpg | 69 | "The Courage to Love: I've Decided" (恋の勇気「決心がついた!」) |
July 16, 1995 |
File:Title-70.jpg | 70 | "I'm Home: What Kind of Face Should I Put on to Meet Him?" (ただいま「どんな顔して会えばいいの?」) |
July 23, 1995 |
File:Title-71.jpg | 71 | "A Night of Stars and the Moon: Although We're Near Each Other…I'm Lonely" (星と月の夜「近くにいても…寂しい」) |
July 30, 1995 |
File:Title-72.jpg | 72 | "Half Brother and Sister: Our Happiness Is Breaking Down" (異母兄妹「幸せが…こわれていく」) |
August 6, 1995 |
File:Title-73.jpg | 73 | "Farewell: I Had to Do It…" (別れ「こうするしかなかった…」) |
August 13, 1995 |
File:Title-74.jpg | 74 | "A Box of Memories: Bye Bye Yuu" (想い出の箱「バイバイ、遊」) |
August 20, 1995 |
File:Title-75.jpg | 75 | "Brother and Sister: We Have to Be Separate" (兄と妹!?「別れるしかないんだ!」) |
August 27, 1995 |
File:Title-76.jpg | 76 | "Departure: Our Love Progresses" (たびだち「そして、愛は歩きだす」) |
September 3, 1995 |
Cast and characters[]
Character | Japanese | English |
Miki Koishikawa | Mariko Kōda | Michelle Ruff |
Yuu Matsuura | Ryōtarō Okiayu | Michael Lindsay |
Ginta Suou | Junichi Kanemaru | Yuri Lowenthal |
Meiko Akizuki | Wakana Yamazaki | Kate Davis |
Satoshi Miwa | Shinichiro Ōta | Jack Aubree |
Shinichi Namura | Tōru Furuya | Jack Aubree |
Arimi Suzuki | Aya Hisakawa | Carrie Savage |
Kei Tsuchiya | Akira Ishida | Henry Banks |
Suzu Sakuma | Sakura Tange | Mia Bradly |
Tsutomu Rokutanda | Kazunari Tanaka | Tom Gibis |
Michael Grant | Hikaru Midorikawa | Sam Riegel |
Jinny Golding | Yuka Koyama | Tara Platt |
Rumi Matsuura | Yoko Kawanami | Wendee Lee |
Jin Koishikawa | Hideyuki Tanaka | Will Barrett |
Chiyako Koishikawa | Hiroko Emori | Cindy Robinson |
Youji Matsuura | Bin Shimada | Conner Holly |
Home video release[]
Marmalade Boy was first released on seventeen VHS tapes throughout 1995 and 1996 in Japan. It was later released on two Laser Discs.[1]
In 2003, it was released in three box sets. On October 24, 2012, the 20th anniversary box set of Marmalade Boy was released.
Cover | Box set # | Release date | Episodes | Discs |
1 | May 2, 2003[2] | 1-25 | 5 | |
2 | September 26, 2003[3] | 26-50 | 5 | |
3 | December 26, 2003[4] | 51-76 | 5 | |
Anniversary | October 24, 2012[5] | 1-76 | 14 |
Tokyopop released the English dubbed version of Marmalade Boy from 2002 to 2005 under the title, "Ultimate Scrapbook." Tokyopop later lost the license to the first twenty-four episodes, and now the anime is out of print.
Cover | Box set # | Release date | Episodes | Discs |
1 | July 23, 2002[6] | 1-19 | 3 | |
2 | October 26, 2004[7] | 20-37 | 3 | |
3 | January 25, 2005[8] | 38-55 | 3 | |
4 | April 26, 2005[9] | 56-76 | 3 |
Six singles related to Marmalade Boy were released in Japan during the 90s. The first, "Egao ni Aitai" is the opening theme of the anime. The others are "Moment," "Karebairo Not Growing," "Saigo no Yakusoku," "Yoake no Etude," and "Melody - Dakishimete."
There are eight soundtracks for the Marmalade Boy anime, Music Monlogue from Miki, Message for Lovers, Marmalade Voice!, Love Affairs, Marmalade Face!, The Étude of Dawn, Marmalade Summer, and Final Edition. A Marmalade Boy: Best Album, also known as Single Collection, was released. Finally, Marmalade Boy Zenkyokushu was published in 2003. Zenkyokushu includes the opening and endings.
Another CD titled Chara Oshaberi Time was given to those who bought Marmalade Voice! at the time. Three other CDs, titled Sweet Bitter were paired with the Japanese DVD boxes.
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