Marmalade Boy is a series of ten light novels written by Yumi Kageyama based on the manga by Wataru Yoshizumi. They were published under the Pinky-Cobalt imprint by Shueisha throughout 1994 to 1996. Yoshizumi illustrated the covers.
Cover | Volume # | Release date | ISBN |
1 | July 1, 1994[1] | 9784086118729 | |
2 | September 2, 1994 | 9784086118934 | |
3 | November 2, 1994 | 9784086140133 | |
4 | January 3, 1995 | 9784086140331 | |
5 | March 3, 1995 | 9784086140560 | |
6 | April 27, 1995 | 9784086140737 | |
7 | July 25, 1995 | 9784086141055 | |
8 | October 3, 1995 | 9784086141246 | |
9 | December 22, 1995 | 9784086141567 | |
10 | March 1, 1996 | 9784086141765 |
- ↑ All release dates from Amazon Japan